Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Little Health Care Ditty

I know it’s been quite some time since I last posted anything. And there have been quite a few things that have happened that I should have blogged about. But I just saw something on TV that demanded I send up a public outcry.
The thing in question was a commercial with a Canadian citizen talking about how she would have died from a brain tumor if she had stayed in Canada. Instead, she came to the US and was cured! So she is encouraging US citizens to not allow government health care.
I have a few problems with this. The first one is that this woman did NOT sound Canadian. Now, I know there are a ton of reasons for this. But seriously. She sounded like she was from New Jersey, not Nova Scotia. That makes it a little unbelievable.
My biggest beef is this: one of the options that Obama has proposed with his health care plan is to have a government-based health care plan to give competition to private insurance companies, not make everybody switch to a government-based health care plan. And I think this is a wonderful middle-ground, especially for people like me. My husband’s job does not offer health insurance of any kind. My job does, but I cannot afford it. Most private insurance companies won’t touch me because I have diabetes, one of those evil “pre-existing conditions” insurance companies love so much.
If this middle-ground plan is chosen, I’ll be able to get health insurance. Will it be the best health insurance? No. But I’ll be able to go to the doctor. I won’t panic every time I get sick and pray as hard as I can that it’s nothing serious because I know I can’t afford to go to the doctor. And then, one day, when I have a REAL job and can afford REAL health insurance, I’ll get it.
This is the way it works: You people who already have health insurance, keep it. No one is saying you have to get the crappy, free health care. But for the millions of us who are uninsured, at least we’ll have a little peace of mind. And a chance to go to the doctor for the first time in over two years.

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