Friday, January 8, 2010

Yes, Developers, There ARE Girl Gamers

You might have noticed that I have three basic loves: books, knitting, and video games. Many times on here I have commented on the books I am currently reading, and the last blog that I wrote (back in September!) was a treatise on my love for all things knitting. But one thing that I have not really touched on is that third love: video games.

Now, if you were to look into my past, you would quickly see that I have been playing games for nearly my entire life. First on an original Nintendo, then on a Sega Genesis, then a PlayStation a PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS and now an XBox 360 and a Nintendo Wii. Another thing you will notice is that I have a penchant for RPGS: Final Fantasy, Borderlands, Mass Effect... Sure, I've played other games. I love racing games (my husband and I compete all the time!), Unreal Tournament, Harry Potter and I EVEN dabbled at Halo. (I'm terriable at it.)

Now, I have found a game that I cannot stop playing: BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins.

This game is phenomonal. The story is marvelous, the graphics are beautiful, the music haunting, and the customization out of this world.

But the one thing that it has that very few other games has is the icing on the cake. That's right, the romance.

Now, BioWare is known for this, probably better than even Square Enix. In Mass Effect, you were giving a chance to woo certain characters into having a relationship with them. My kick-ass female Commander Shepard chose Kaidan, of course. But the fact that I had an option, the fact that I could even HAVE a relationship was one of the deciding factors in me buying this game. Don't get me wrong, the game was increadible. But I looked foward to the end of each mission when I could go back to Kaidan and flirt with him some more. And the bedroom scene that I was given had me sighing dreamily.

The boys (and girls!) at BioWare have stepped it up a notch with DA:O. Not only do you get to woo a character, there is a bigger selection this time around. (I picked Alistair. I am a hopeless romantic.:)) But the storylines for this game are so much deeper. And the fact that the origin story you pick has a bearing on how that story plays out is just amazing. The customizations are so much more in this game. I have spent more than thirty hours playing, and I plan on playing it again.

BioWare has hit on something that most other developers seem to be oblivious of: there are GIRL gamers out there. The old demographic of 18-29 year-old males has flown out the window. Granted, I am married to a hardcore gamer, but I'm the one who is taking off January 26th so I can stay up all night and play Mass Effect 2. I'm the one who can't wait to get my hands on Final Fantasy 13 (finally!).

We girls LIKE being able to play as a hard-as-nails, kick ass female, aka Jane Shepard and, in my case, Kallian, the Grey Warden. We like getting to smooch Alistair out in public and grin fiercely when Morrigan says she is going to be ill. And we want more!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an arch-demon to slay.

Oh, and BioWare? If you ever need a writer, my bags are already packed for Canada.

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